Why Create ARCH?

ARCH was created by a group of seasoned mental health, coaching and organizational development facilitators who were curious about how to …

  • Deepen and accelerate the transformation process
  • Increase emotional safety
  • Enrich the great work professionals are already doing

What We Created

Arenas for Change (ARCH) is a friendly, inclusive, supportive learning community, especially for therapists, transformational coaches, educators and equine professionals who are interested in applying story tools incorporating horses, other animals, and nature in their sessions, whether in an arena, an office, or online.

Learn, Network, Practice

Are you ready to learn and be part of an uplifting, values-driven, thought-provoking community?

Through the power of story, we engage, enrich and apply concepts in facilitating ongoing learning and transformational change.

When our stories change, we change.

Applied in environments with horses, animals, and nature, in arenas, offices, or online, ARCH facilitation impacts lives in meaningful ways in all areas including:





  • Experience a big mind shift.
  • See clients transform easier, faster, and safer.
  • Grow your business and make a bigger impact.

Getting lasting results in a fun and uplifting way.

Values as the Foundation

We are all teachers and all learners.
ARCH is founded on values that identify who we are and purposefully strive to be in all we do.

Creative continuous learning.

It is about lifelong learning with creativity! In order to be creative and learn, you need to be in a state of constant flow. The flow of brainstorming, stretching ourselves, and openness to other perspectives. It is constant because even when blocked, we keep wrestling with and working on it – questioning, pondering, and digging deeper to expand our thoughts. We are willing to build on one another’s ideas and end up in places we don’t initially imagine. By setting a stage of constant flow and creativity, we keep on learning and growing every day.

Serving others based on respect.

It is accepting others for who they are, letting go of our personal agendas to truly be open to the other. Listening and “yes, and’ing,” we build a culture of collaboration. This requires that we are willing to be vulnerable and explore our SOS (Sense of Self) as that impacts our actions and relationships. We recognize others for who they are and look to add value to their lives at every encounter.

Lighthearted humility.

It is having the courage to see our truth and then add a balanced touch of humor (grace), let it go, and try again. While we do serious work, and we are professional, we also know how to be genuine and not take ourselves too seriously. This combination sets the stage for acceptance, and emotional safety, which allows us to be who we are. This is why we can be authentic.

Integrity while trusting and enjoying the process.

It is being honest with ourselves and others, and no matter the situation, sticking to our values, even when difficult. We trust that if we stay aligned with our values, it will work out. We want to both trust and enjoy the process. We strive to have a positive focus and cultivate a growth mindset. With shared values, we uplift one another and find joy in the journey through relationship and connection.

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