Meet the Team

Who's who behind the ARCH scenes

ARCH Producers

Lynn's headshot

Lynn Thomas


Lynn is a mental health professional, innovator, leader and creative teacher for professionals who facilitate transformation. She played a significant part in pioneering the growth of involving horses in mental health services globally through her work co-founding and developing the Eagala Model of training for 21 years, as an author, and as a sought-after presenter at conferences and events worldwide.

Then in 2021, she leapt into two new visions to train and support professionals, Arenas for Change (ARCH) and the nonprofit industry advocacy organization, Horses for Mental Health.

She is driven by the ARCH values and loves learning with incredible teams of people and transforming lives.

She is passionate about the outdoors and the mountains, where you will generally find her nourishing her soul through mountain biking, skiing or hiking, or spending time with her three grown, married children. Lynn lives in Utah.

Kara's headshot

Kara Staheli


Kara has that grounding energy that keeps us all centered. She can handle a crisis with a calm, kind and logical demeanor, and has an incredibly strategic mind focusing on both the bigger picture and the details. Kara has served in roles over the past 20 years from executive assistant to chief operating officer in global organizations.

As a co-founder of ARCH, she continues to support operations with her strategic focus, generously serving and helping, and her drive to always improve how we operate and support one another.

She lived two years in Guatemala as a missionary and is fluent in Spanish.  Kara and her husband live in Utah, and have 5 grown children and 6 grandchildren. 

Jacque's headshot

Jacque Baumer


Jacque is a visionary, collaborator, and out of the box thinker. She has more than ten years of professional experience developing and directing programs and campaigns, fundraising, and providing consultation to local, national and global organizations, particularly in the nonprofit world where she has been instrumental in raising millions of dollars for her clients and leveraging billions of dollars for worthy causes.

She has been a driving force in several large-scale projects, such as the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park to help the world’s poor and the first ever social impact fund in partnership with the Vatican called the Laudato Si Challenge.

Jacque is bringing her incredible vision, with nothing too big or small, to make the world a better place as a co-founder of ARCH.

She is a clinical social worker and an avid equestrian, having trained and competed on the Arabian circuit, which drives her passion in sharing the stories of how professionals incorporating animals, nature and the ARCH story mindset can change lives.

Jacque is originally from Utah, but currently lives in Estonia with her Estonian husband and four children.

Janet's headshot

Janet Crandall


Janet is an accountant and the most loving person committed to everyone feeling included and valued. She has served multiple companies over the last 20 years, including as a bookkeeper, chief financial officer of a global organization, and has served on boards of local credit unions.

Janet joined with us, co-founding ARCH, because of her passion for mental health and her belief in and support for the ARCH team and membership.  

Thanks to Janet, she keeps the finances of ARCH running smoothly and ensuring we uphold the values of good governance. On top of the generous work she does with ARCH, Janet works with an accounting firm keeping an eye on the books of over a dozen companies. Janet lives in Utah.

Stefany's headshot

Stefany Crook


Stefany is a friend to everyone. She authentically cares and loves to help others. She has been in the business of customer service and helping businesses run smoothly behind the scenes for over 15 years, and continues sharing her enthusiasm for others supporting members in ARCH. She is the one responding to questions and calls and is happy to help however she can.

When she isn’t busy serving others, she can be found serving the ball on the pickleball court, having started a group in her community of pickleball addicts who play almost daily. Stefany has a wonderful family with 5 grown children, 2 grandchildren, and a very handy husband. She lives in Colorado.

ARCH Creators Team

Sharon's headshot

Sharon Boyce


Sharon is fascinated by the human, animal and nature nexus for well-being and enhanced quality of life.  She is a counseling psychologist, nature enthusiast and lives in an environment where a menagerie of dogs, cats, horses, donkeys and other farm animals enrich her and her family’s lives. 

As a researcher, her current interest is developing and determining the efficacy of well-being promotion interventions incorporating horses.  She is the author of scientific papers and a chapter in a book on innovative psychological assessment procedures.

In her work as a clinician, she works from a person and meaning-centred perspective, where animals, especially dogs and horses, are included in line with the ARCH approach.  

Sharon lives in South Africa.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

–  Howard Thurman

Fred's headshot

Fred Bueltmann


Fred is a horseperson, author, and independent consultant on company culture. He is co-founder and Executive Director of Red Horse Center for Collaborative Leadership, a peaceful space for powerful work in Fennville, Michigan.

Along with wife and co-founder Ulla, the Red Horse team works with their herd of horses to offer equitable access to personal and professional development, and mental health support. 

Fred’s “Horse and Human Collaboration” philosophy is born from more than twenty years of learning from horses and inviting them to cofacilitate equine-assisted organizational development.

He has more than two decades of experience as an executive in the beverage industry where he developed his passion for collaboration and intentional culture. His career included executive posts at New Holland Brewing Company, Bell’s Brewing Company, and as past president of the Michigan Brewers Guild.

He has presented at TEDx with, “The Community of Collaboration” and authored two books, “A Rising Tide – Stories from the Michigan Brewers Guild,” and “The Beervangelist’s Guide to the Galaxy – A Philosophy of Food & Drink.” Fred also leads Great Lakes Brass Band on sousaphone.

Amanda's headshot

Amanda Graham


Amanda is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, meditation teacher and executive leader who believes that we all have an infinite capacity to grow through our most difficult moments to find our authentic wisdom. 

She is committed to supporting people on their journey through the power of incorporating horses and mindfulness into mental health and wellbeing services.

While she has incorporated horses into her work for more than 20 years, Amanda’s diverse career paths have had a throughline of following the callings of her heart – a love of story as a professional actor in theater and film, a love of animals with her work in animal welfare, and a love of team building and creating change on a broader canvas with her work in executive leadership at several large non-profit behavioral health companies.

In 2020, Amanda started her next chapter, pulling together her life’s learnings and passions, and founded Unbridled Way Forward, a North Carolina mental health practice that connects people to their wisdom, courage and clarity through mindfulness, nature, and horses. 

Amanda is grateful to be living her best life, collaborating with the ARCH team and other professionals to walk with people as they explore their life stories and discover their unique path forward. She lives in central North Carolina, on her farm, with her husband, their Sheepadoodle, Boudreau, and her herd of horses.

Ulla's headshot

Ulla Frederiksen


Ulla is a psychologist, group facilitator and artist. In addition to seeing private clients, she also collaborates with the Red Horse team to offer trauma-informed workshops, retreats and professional development. 

All of her work is done within the ARCH framework of facilitation and includes dogs, horses, nature and art. While she works with several different populations, Ulla specializes in working with Highly Sensitive People (HSP).

Ulla has facilitated with horses since 2002 and has trained facilitators internationally since 2010. 

Ulla is originally from Denmark and currently lives in Michigan.

Lynn Moore's headshot

Lynn Moore


Lynn is a visionary, substance abuse counselor and mental health clinical trainee, and successful executive leader working with organizational teams. She is guided by her passion for helping others experience the powerful connection with horses and nature, having experienced firsthand the deep and profound healing that can occur through these connections.

Lynn felt a life calling and founded Acres for Life in Minnesota in 2001. There she has witnessed miracles of lives being changed every day, where they now provide over 3,500 sessions a year. With her incredible experience and devotion to life-long learning, Lynn has been a leader in the industry, training practitioners around the world.

She continues to grow and learn daily working alongside her awesome team members at Acres for Life and as part of the Arenas for Change Creators team.  She is inspired and encouraged by both, connecting through the power of shared stories.

Lynn lives out her story in Minnesota with her husband, kids, and large herd of horses, dogs, cats, and chickens.

Annie's headshot

Annie Ricalde


Annie is a psychologist, executive coach, and facilitator for high-performance teams, constantly learning and searching for ways to impact lives and processes more deeply and effectively. She found facilitation with horses twenty years ago, which led her to a path of innovation and entrepreneurship incorporating horses in the areas of psychotherapy and coaching with high-performance leaders and teams.

She has been a pioneer and leader in this sector, training and connecting with facilitators across Latin America and the world. She is also highly accomplished in the equestrian world, having been a champion dressage rider and mental coach.

Annie is a fervent believer in true change, crossing barriers, and achieving the unexpected after having experienced it in her own life. Being part of the ARCH Creators Teams brings her new perspectives, and openness to infinite possibilities to impact life stories.

Annie lives in Mexico with her husband and several dogs, not too far from her family ranch where they raise beautiful Friesians.

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