ARCH Facilitator Training Retreat | Massachusetts Oct. 21-22, 2022


Connect, learn and be inspired in this hands-on training retreat applying the ARCH framework in SEEN through Horses. ARCH members, log-in, choose an option and register below.

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MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNTS: ARCH Annual Members get a 10% discount, and ARCH Organization Members get a 20% discount! 

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Join us at the Facilitator Training Retreat for ARCH members, applying the SEEN keystones in an environment with horses.

This 2-day experience involves experiential application of the learning in the ARCH Foundation Course: The SEEN Keystones.

Pre-requisite: Complete the ARCH Foundation Course: The SEEN Keystones available on the Arenas for Change website for members.

Additional information


First-time Participant, Returning Participant, Day 3 Only